Parrot Researchers Group (PRG) 

November, 2023 


These guidelines outline the overarching vision, mission and objectives of the Parrot Researchers’ Group (PRG), and the underlying principles and processes designed to ensure it is a thriving, inclusive, respectful and productive environment promoting research on Psittaciformes. 

Mission statement 

The mission of the Parrot Researchers’ Group (PRG) is to promote and advance research of parrots (order Psittaciformes), with particular attention to regional conservation strategies by connecting researchers and practitioners in discussion, dissemination of research and collaborative research projects. 




Membership and structure 

The PRG welcomes and encourages researchers from the different branches of science, including natural, formal, and social sciences, as well as zoogeographical regions and research interests, and recognizes that there is strength in diversity. To be appointed as member of the PRG, candidates are invited to fill a registration form: 
The registration form requires basic information about affiliations, wild Psittaciformes expertise, areas of research interest, publications list (if any), and a list of parrot species included in their research. Membership is granted by and at the discretion of the Steering Team given that the applicant will be one of good standing and compliance,  following the procedures described below . The Steering Team reserves the right to remove or refuse membership to anyone not adhering to the PRG guidelines. PRG is precisely aligned with scientific endeavors directed toward wild Psittaciformes and hence is more selective about membership criteria. Members and potential members should recognize that there are many other fora, social media groups, and professional organizations for discussion of captive Psittaciformes and aviculture. 

Members code of conduct 

Roles and responsibilities 

All Members are required to: 

The Secretary of the PRG: 

The Steering Team: 

Elections and replacements 

Decision making process 

The Steering Team will use the consensus process as the primary mode of coming to decisions, and after considerable discussion, a recorded vote shall take place based on a simple majority. For any major decisions, such as changing the Guidelines, the Steering Team will consult with the membership. 

Legal status 

The PRG is not a legally registered entity within any jurisdiction. The PRG therefore has no rights to enter into, or sign, any legally binding agreement or document or manage finances. 

Convening of expertise/taking a stand 

The PRG will occasionally be asked, or might consider, to convene expertise on a specific subject relating to the conservation of parrots, ethical research, welfare of Psittaciformes and the human community and researchers, or wide societal impacts. As the function of the group is to facilitate communication, networking, and gathering and consideration of data, the PRG will not make a public statement or document on behalf of all members. Instead, our communications forums and regional expertise will serve to support the deliberation of individuals and self-organizing teams (“Collaborative Teams”) with their respective projects. Members are entitled to their own opinions and are encouraged to use the PRG’s communications platforms to coordinate position statements and petition-signature letters among PRG members. Any such outputs will not be considered outputs of the PRG but rather the independent products of the authors. Individual members can make any statement they wish on any matter in their independent and private capacity providing they do not violate the group’s guidelines, but they shall not represent themselves as speaking on behalf of the PRG unless they have permission from the Steering Team. 

Working Groups 

At any time, a working group may form out of the PRG membership to pursue common goals amongst those who elect to be part of the Working Group. Such Working Groups do not speak for the PRG membership but only for those involved in the Working Group. The Steering Team will support these Working Groups and solicit regular communications from them. The Coordinator of these Working Groups will be elected by common decision of the majority of the PRG members in that Working Group; the coordinator may have one member of the Working Group to assist. But, the Working Group members should decide if this figure is needed. The appointment of this Coordinator will be until the objective of the Working Group is achieved or the members of this Working Group consider a change in coordinator or group assistant is needed. 


Conflict is a normal aspect of human relationships and organizations. As such as conflict arises individuals will be encouraged and supported to discuss the issue directly with the people involved. The Steering Team will strive to support members to talk to one another as will the Secretary assisted by the Steering Team. If direct conversation does not work or does not occur, the Secretary and the Steering Team will reach out to the involved parties to help them work through the conflict. If there is a breach in membership responsibility, the Secretary and the Steering Team will converse directly with the individual and suggest actions to reinstate the individual to right relationships to the PRG and its members. If this does not result in a positive outcome, the Steering Team may terminate membership of an individual. See Roles and responsibilities above.  

Annex 1 - PRG historical overview (2010 to 2023) 

The PRG was formed during a Round Table Discussion (RTD) entitled “Beyond the Parrot Action Plan: Challenges and priorities for the research and conservation of Psittaciformes” at the 25th International Ornithological Congress on 27 August 2010, in Campos do Jordão, Brazil (Organizers: Juan F. Masello, James D. Gilardi, Igor Berkunsky, Timothy F. Wright and Robert Heinsohn). The more than 80 participants at this meeting agreed by vote to form a new “Parrot Researchers Group” (PRG). During the meeting a wide variety of topics were discussed including the need for more studies on data deficient species, better dissemination of information (both published and unpublished), and the need for more research in many areas. A major topic of conversation was the need to revise and update the IUCN Parrot Action Plan 20002004, which participants agreed should be approached on a regional basis. Updates in various forms have been accomplished through a series of joint PRG studies published during 2014 - 2018 (Martin et al. 2014, Berkunsky et al. 2017, Olah et al. 2018). It was agreed to elect one head of the organization (the Secretary) and two to three regional coordinators for the principal biogeographical regions where parrots occur (Africa, Australasia, Neotropics, Indo-Malayan). Later on, thematic sections were added such as the Urban Parrot and the Wild Parrot Veterinary sections. However, since 2022, a different structure is used: a Secretary and four Steering Team members governs the PRG, and the regions and sections have been replaced by Working Groups pursuing common goals (see details at ). All members of the PRG have the opportunity to nominate candidates for the elections and to vote. This has already been accomplished three times (2014, 2018, and 2022). Since 2010, discussions, exchange of advice, and the coordination of joint projects (e.g. have been carried out through different communication means (see section Communication above). The group has changed names and affiliation over the years; starting as the Parrot Researchers Group before becoming the Research Coordination Committee on Parrots (20132015) and subsequently the Working Group Psittaciformes (20152019), from the International Ornithologist's Union (IOU), following changes in the structure of the IOU, of which the PRG was part during 20132019. In 2020, the PRG decided to become again an independent organization re-adopting its original name. In August 2022 these Guidelines were revised to remove sections and have the group come under the core leadership of five Steering Team Members and current working groups. Elections were held in August 2022 and the new leadership took effect on January 1, 2023.  

Annex 2 – Previous officers 

ST (2020-2022) 

Secretary: LoraKim Joyner 

Steering Team: LoraKim Joyner, Pat Latas, Johanne Martens 


African region co-ordination committee 

2018-2022: Dr. Rowan Martin, Dr. Kate Carstens, Dr. Nathaniel Annorbah 

2014-2018: Dr. Rowan Martin, Dr. Nathaniel Annorbah, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Craig Symes 

2010-2014: Dr. Rowan Martin, Dr. Steve Boyes, Prof. Dr. Mike Perrins 


Australasian region co-ordination committee 

2018-2022: Dr. Johanne Martens 

2014-2018: Prof. Dr. Robert Heinsohn, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jörn Theuerkauf, Dr. George Olah 

2010-2014: Prof. Dr. Robert Heinsohn 


Indo-Malayan region co-ordination committee 

2018-2022: MSc. Avinandan (deceased), Dr. Jessica Lee 

2014-2018: MSc. Avinandan, Bonnie Zimmermann, Dr. Peter Widmann 

2010-2014: MSc. Avinandan 

Illegal Bird Trade in India: Dr. Asha Poonia 


Neotropical region co-ordination committee 

2018-2022: Dr. LoraKim Joyner 

2014-2018: Dr. Igor Berkunsky, Asst. Prof. Dr. Donald Brightsmith, MSc. Martín Lezama López, Dr. Isabelle Paquet-Durand 

2010-2014: Ass. Prof. Dr. Donald J. Brightsmith, Dr. René Cardoso dos Santos, Dr. Igor Berkunsky, Olivier Chassot, MSc. Martin Lezama 

Macaw Sub-group: Dr. Gabriela Vigo Trauco 

Great Green Macaw Team: Dr. Guisselle Monge Arias 

Parrot Outcome Study: Dr. LoraKim Joyner 

Liaison, Grupo de Interés Temático de Psitácidos (Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología y la Conservación): MSc. Martin Lezama 

Loros Sin Fronteras: Juan Cantu 

e-Bird initiative: Dr. LoraKim Joyner 


Caribbean region co-ordination committee 

2010-2014: Dr. Thomas H. White Jr., Dr. Sam Williams 


Wild Parrot Veterinary Section co-ordination committee 

2018-2022: Dr. Patricia Latas, Dr. Jessica Lee, Dr. LoraKim Joyner 


Behavioural Ecology Section co-ordination committee 

2020-2022: Dr. Carlos de Araújo, Dr. Juan F. Masello 


Urban parrot section co-ordination committee 

2014-2018: MSc. Roelant Jonker, Prof. of Research Dr. José L. Tella, Dr. Michael Braun 


Extra-Tropical section co-ordination committee 

2010-2014: MSc. Roelant Jonker, Dr. Michael Braun 


Secretary office 

2020-2022: Dr. LoraKim Joyner 

2018-2020: Dr. Igor Berkunsky 

2014-2018: Dr. Juan F. Masello 

2010-2014: Dr. Juan F. Masello  

Annex 3 – Social media 

Instagram (discontinued

@workingparrotsgroup or  

Steered by Eliana Blanco Pérez (2018-2023) 


Steered by Grrrlscientist 



Steered by Roelant Jonker 


YouTube channel 

Contact Juan F. Masello 


Parrot Researchers Group public webpage  

Steered by Pat Latas